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The global site-map is an image. For an alternative please select the siteplan link above. Local Sitemap. You are here! Site design ethos. Why this research is important. David Cuthbertson's Curriculum Vitae. Holleman Trust - furthering biological transmutation research. Sitemap for Holleman Trust pages. Introducing the biological transmutation work and ideas of Professor Holleman and the Holleman Trust. Research worker - Professor Biberian - and his current work to date. External link to the other website for the Holleman Trust. External link to latest update on Biberian's new biological transmutation results. External link to Biberian's own website - in French. Holleman's unfinished Biological Transmutation Review Article - translated and completed by David Cuthbertson. Sitemap for webpages on Holleman's research review article, including links to explanatory pages. Title page. Explanatory pages on the scientific issues involved in this work. Chemistry pages. Lavoisier and the conservation of mass. External link to the importance of the Law of the Conservation of Mass in modern chemistry. Foreword to the present version of this report; David Cuthbertson, 1999. Foreword [Holleman, ca.1982]. Table of contents. Section 1 - Introduction: Transmutation in inorganic nature. Section 2 - Transmutation in organic nature. Section 3 - Directions for biological transmutation experiments. Section 4 - Critical review of earlier experiments. Section 5 - Arguments for and against further research. Section 6 - Description of [Holleman's] own biological transmutation experiments. Section 7 - Holleman's experiments 1975-1982: Experiment II. Section 8 - Holleman's experiments 1982-1987: Experiment V. Section 9 - Holleman's experiments 1987-1989: Experiment VI. Section 10 - Critical discussion of Holleman's Chlorella experiments. Section 11 - Conclusions and recommendations. Bibliography. Appendix I: An Obituary of Professor L.W.J. Holleman. Appendix II: About the Holleman Stichting. Acknowledgements.Biological Transmutation Review Article - Understanding the issues involved.

Last updated 6th December 2004 by David Cuthbertson on behalf of the Professor LWJ Holleman Trust

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