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New and To Do List (1st December 2004)

How do you make God laugh?

Tell Him your plans!

I need to update my sitemap and siteplan.

Goethean theory pages - 1st December 2004
Finished the pages based on the Goethean science presentation that I wrote for the ICCF11 Conference in November (see below for details).

27th November 2004 - Moved Research Reasons to link in to this section of the site.

Mundane Priorities - 25th November 2004
Used a programme called 'Web CEO' to edit my website's pages to improve its profile on the Internet. Earlier in the week I had discovered that it was no longer accessible via the search engine, Google. Google is the most likely means by which people may find the site. I have rewritten part of the home page, its title, description and keywords. The keyword descriptions for all of the pages required changing.

All page keywords and descriptions need further, detailed reviewing for optimal results.

All xhtml coding was unfortunately automatically changed to html by Web CEO. A minor problem, but since I aimed for my pages to be coded to the highest possible standards, they will require a somewhat tedious amount of editting in the future. The W3C web-page standards people have some programmes that will help me in my task - see the links at the bottom of the page for further information.

More hyperlinks need inserting into my pages.

21st November - Changed all long file names (>8 characters) to short ones so that they may be read by all file managers and editors.

17th November 2004 - All 36 pages of the site have now been updated for both layout and accessibility.

ICCF11 Conference - 14th November 2004
I have just attended, thanks to the kind help - financial and otherwise - of several individuals, the 11th International Cold Fusion Conference in Marseilles, France. I attended at the invitation of Professor Jean Paul Biberian, who was responsible for hosting the event. Having seen the evidence for myself I am now convinced that chemically assisted nuclear reactions are indeed possible. Biologically assisted nuclear reactions (chemical element transmutations) are therefore more likely to be a genuine phenomenon.

V. I. Vysotskii - 14th November 2004
At the conference I met Vladimir Vysotskii. He is an Ukranian physicist doing biological transmutation research. As far as he is aware he is the only academic active in this field. His book and other papers which he has published on the subject present the most convincing evidence fo biological transmutations that I have seen.

Funding - 14th November 2004
There is no money through official channels. Cold Fusion and related fields are considered to be unscientific despite considerable evidence to the contrary.

Biberian's Transmutation Research - 14th November 2004
Whilst in Marseilles I was able to meet Biberian's microbiology colleague Valerie Michotey of Luminy University. She was able to give me the experimental culture details of Biberian's marine bacteria biological transmutation results. The full details of this series of 3 very small experiments will be published on the internet by myself.

My Role - 14th November 2004
There was a clear need identified by many of the conference participants for scientifically rigorous information on the phenomenon of biologically assisted nuclear reactions. This website could fulfil such a role.

Theory - 14th November 2004
What I brought to the conference was a poster display on a Goethean scientific approach to understanding the world in which we find ourselves. This will be added to the philosophical section of this website.
Done - 1st December 2004

Redrawing Figures - 14th November 2004
The figures which are part of Holleman's research article are not of a quality which I would associate with a professionally produced website. They need redrawing. Volunteers welcome!

Further Information - 14th November 2004
Many new pages and links to other sites are required so that the information included in the site is up to date, intelligible, and reasonably complete. It is my ambition that this site becomes an accessible Gateway to further related information.

Last updated 6th December 2004 by David Cuthbertson on behalf of the Professor LWJ Holleman Trust.

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